Purple Cow

    Purple Cow is a marketing concept originally written about by Seth Godin. The theory starts with the presumption that marketing as we know it is broken, and that the only way now to gain attention in a market is to not only market a product in a remarkable manner, but also to have a remarkable product to market.
    Marketing should begin with a differentiated product or service that gets attention (like a purple cow does among a field of brown ones). Be sure that those who care deeply about that differentiation learn about your product or service (as Krispy Kreme does by providing free donuts when it opens a new store). Those who care will e-mail and tell everyone they know (an idea virus). Keep adding new differentiated enhancements to your product or service (pretty soon you don't find a purple cow so interesting). Start looking for totally new business models that provide a breakthrough like your first purple cow did. Don't waste your time and money on advertising. Alternatively, it's dangerous not to do this because your product or service will be lost among all of the other brown cows (undifferentiated offerings).

Source: Donald Mitchell

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