Touch 12

“Touch 12” was a concept I was introduced to by my mentor at Transwestern Commercial Services this summer, Randy Garrett. Touch 12 is based on a study that indicated that the average customer bought only after being “touched” a total of 12 times.

A “touch” is any form of contact with a prospect. So, a personal visit, voicemail, e-mail, tweet, snail mail, brochure, marketing piece, etc. all are classified as a touch.

These Touch 12 programs succeed with 3 basic criteria: useful information, consistency, and timeliness. It’s important to note that whatever you use as the subject of the interaction must be of interest to your audience (article pertaining to their industry, thought provoking blog, construction updates on major highways located near them, anything… get creative!). Consistency is key in a successful Touch 12 program since it helps maintain TMA, top of mind awareness, with that customer. Lastly, timeliness is a major factor. You can’t just call someone 12 times in one week and expect them to buy. Spread your communicative efforts over the course of months, maybe a year, to achieve top success.

Think about ways to use a Touch 12 where you are right now. A consistent approach like this would be great throughout the interview process.

Author: Will May

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